Celebrate Lunar New Year with this Brain-Building Story Time Activity for Young Kids
In this story time activity, you’ll first read the book aloud to your child and then teach them how to read and write the names of loved ones as you create Lunar New Year envelopes for family members. It’s a great way to tie cultural traditions and literacy together in a fun and brain-building package.

Fabulous February Reads
February is right around the corner and our round up of fabulous February books is here for all your picture book needs! I love February because it is a month FILLED with so many special days and wonderful topics to dive into!

Father’s Day Books That are Way Better Than a Tie
Father’s Day is fast approaching! It’s a great moment to honor Dad—and all the special men and masculine people in you and your child’s life. This year, why not create a celebration of dads, uncles, and grandpas on your bookshelf?