Boost Early Reading Skills with Fun and Tasty Yogurt Bark Recipe
This yummy recipe will have you yearning for more learning!

Help Your Kid Learn to Read with this Sight Word Easter Egg Hunt
A playful take on a classic Easter egg hunt, this game teaches children sight words. It gets kids up and moving while they are learning to read. It’s a fun, healthy, and educational way to celebrate the season with your early reader!

Summer Reading Challenge
We want to help focus on the skills your child is gaining through reading. So we’ve created our own Summer Reading Challenge Sheet! These are scaled to be grade appropriate and we offer them in English and Spanish. Find one for your child and get to reading today!

Exploring the Great Outdoors: Boosting Children's Literacy Skills through Nature Walks
Talking about the things we see, feel, hear, smell, and taste helps students develop language and awareness of these literary elements found in countless texts.